When are Taxes Due in 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges?
In a 1031 exchange, capital gains taxes are deferred, not eliminated, as long as the transaction follows IRS rules.
Taxes on a 1031 exchange become due when:
- Boot is Received – If you receive cash or other non-like-kind property in the exchange, that portion is taxable.
- You Sell the Replacement Property Without Another 1031 Exchange – When you eventually sell without reinvesting through another 1031 exchange, capital gains taxes are due.
- Debt Reduction Occurs – If the mortgage on the replacement property is lower than the one on the relinquished property, the difference (boot) may be taxable.
- Failure to Follow 1031 Rules – If timelines (45-day identification, 180-day closing) or reinvestment requirements aren’t met, the exchange is disqualified, and capital gains taxes are due.
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