MLS Listing Status Codes & abbreviations:
The codes below are used in the Multiple Listing property (a/k/a MLS) alerts that we send you.
Other sites, like Zillow or may use other status codes. If you do not see a code that you have seen online here, please let us know.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about these.
DOM = Days On Market
This code refers to the time that the property has been available to be shown while on the market since it was first listed.
It may also include time on the market when it was previously listed for sale.
This code also includes the time that a property is CONTINGENT (see CTG below).
CSO = Coming Soon
Property is being advertised, but not available to see yet.
We suggest driving by ASAP and letting us know if you are interested so that we can get you in as soon as the property is being shown.
NEW = New
Just listed property.
This status remains for 5 days. After 5 days the status changes to ACT.
ACT = Active
Property has been on the market over 5 days.
A property that has been listed as NEW changes to ACT after 5 days.
UAG = Under Agreement
Also referred to as PENDING or UNDER CONTRACT by some real estate sites.
An offer has been accepted and the property is no longer being shown.
(We will not know the final sale price of the property until it finally closes.)
CTG = Contingent
An offer has been accepted and is still being shown for backup offers in case the current buyer can not complete the purchase or backs out.
Each situation needs to be evaluated on its own merits. Worth discussing with us.
(The amount of the accepted offer is not disclosed and we will not know the final sale price of the property until it finally closes.)
PCG = Price Change
EXT = Extended
The contracted listing period has been extended. This is broker stuff. The property is really still active.
BOM = Back on Market
Property had an offer that fell apart for some reason and it is now back on the market, usually due to financing, buyer remorse or an inspection issue.
Sellers may be fairly negotiable after this happens!
SLD = Sold
EXP = Expired
Listing contract has expired because the property did not sell.
Sometimes these properties are worth considering. Each situation needs to be evaluated on its own merits. Worth discussing with us.
CAN = Cancelled
Listing contract has been cancelled. Usually means seller has decided not to sell. Sometimes they are about to change agents.
WDN = Withdrawn
Property is off of the market for a while for some reason.
(The reason is not usually disclosed. Maybe the seller needs time off from showing the property or the property might be withdrawn due to water in the basement, seller’s health, company visiting, a family event or something else.)
RAC = Reactivated
Property status has changed from withdrawn and is back on the market.